Chromatic Perception Mediates the Response to Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Stimuli among Children from Elementary School in Mexico


<p><em>Purpose:</em> We evaluated the responses to chromatic perception (wavelength) stimuli in the visible spectrum among children from an elementary school in Nezahualcoyotl Country, Mexico. <em>Materials and Methods:</em> A software developed ad hoc was used to measure how children perceived the colors blue, green, yellow, and red. The tests were in monocular form, and responses were pooled based on their similarity according to the Pearson correlation index and cluster analysis by unweighted averages. A chi-square test was applied to the groups for significant differences. <em>Results:</em> Data from each wavelength were analyzed in relation to age, sex, and ocular laterality. At a wavelength of 450 nm, children aged 6-7 years old (group 1) of both sexes perceived the wavelength as skewed to the left -9.39 nm, while children aged 8- 11 years old (group 2) visualized a leftward skew of -4.40 nm (P < 0.0001). Then, at 530 nm, shifts of -5.39 and -6.72 nm were reported in the groups 1 and 2 (P < 0.0001), while at 580 nm, the shifts were -2.59 and -2.62 nm for both groups (P < 0.0001). Finally, at 710 nm, the shifts were +2.49 and +2.74 nm (P < 0.0001). <em>Conclusion:</em> At 450 nm, younger children perceived wavelengths far from normal, but, as they aged, their perceptions normalized. At 530nm, children´s perceptions shifted to the left in all cases, getting closer to normality. Finally, at 580 nm, the shift was still leftward but moved to the right at 710 nm in all cases</p>
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perception of color
chromatic childhood vision