Vol. 12 No. 2 (2014)
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular



Normal Values of Amplitude of Subjective Accommodation between the Ages of 5 and 19
Alejandro León Álvarez, Jorge Mario Estrada Álvarez, Sandra Milena Medrano (Author)
11 - 25
Assessment of Lag of Accommodation with Nott Retinoscopy between the Ages of 5 and 19
Alejandro León Álvarez, Paulo César Zapata Giraldo (Author)
37 - 43
Gynecological and Obstetric Characteristics of Teens Who Gave Birth between July and December, 2012 at a Health Facility
Katherine Elizabeth Ramírez Ladino, Lorena Andrea Medina Franco, Nancy Adriana Arias Olarte, Wilson Giovanni Jiménez Barbosa (Author)
45 - 51
Determining the Tonicity of the All In One Light Multipurpose Solution
Laura Fernández Gil, Paola Andrea Liévano, Lucy Rivera Rojas (Author)
53 - 57

Artículo de Revista

Against Social Blindness
Hernando Arturo Estévez Cuervo (Author)
61 - 69

Artículo de Revisión

Description and Analysis of OCT, HRT and GDx Diagnostic Technologies in Glaucoma: An Approach to Clinical Optometry
Andrea Paola Espinosa Castañeda, Viviana Peña Martínez, Marcelo Carrizosa (Author)
87 - 106
Relationships between Actors in a Health Network
Wilson Giovanni Jiménez Barbosa, Gino Montenegro Martínez (Author)
107 - 115