Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022)
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


Need for continuing education and postgraduate degrees in optometry graduates from the Faculty of Higher Studies, Iztacala, UNAM
Myrna Miriam Valera Mota, Guillermo López Cortés, Everardo Leonel Piña Santillán, Javier Alonso Trujillo, Abraham Alonso Ricardez (Author)
11 - 21
Síndrome de ojo seco, perforación corneal y artritis reumatoidea: a propósito de un caso
Fernando Godín Estrada, Tito Gómez Quin, Diana Valeria Rey-Rodríguez, María Angélica Chacón-Manosalva (Author)
23 - 27


Artículo de Revisión

Conjunctivitis and Ophthalmological Approach in Patients with COVID-19: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Diana Valeria Rey-Rodríguez, Fernando Godín Estrada, Laura Alejandra Acevedo Espitia, Yury Lady Angarita Contreras (Author)
Visual Processing Skills in Parkinson Disease and Lewy Body Dementia: A Review
Adriana Abril, María Fernanda Flórez, Erika Roa, Juan F. Oyasa, Ernesto Ortega (Author)
Vitamin D Deficiency in Relation to the Development and Progression of Myopia
Marcelo Carrizosa Murcia, Víctor Reyes Forero, César Acosta Yepes (Author)

Reporte de Caso

Cat Scratch Neuroretinitis: About a Case
Fernando Godín Estrada, Eduardo Enrique Cadena Galvis, Laura Alejandra Acevedo Espitia, Diana Valeria Rey-Rodríguez (Author)