Vol. 16 No. 2 (2018)
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


Elkin Sánchez Montenegro (Author)
7 - 8


Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy in Primary Care by Retinography in Mexico City
Daniel Paniagua Herrera, Consuelo González Salinas (Author)
11 - 19
Antimicrobial resistance profile of bacteria isolated from infections and ocular microbiota
Laura Victoria Martín Algarra, Martha Catalina Sánchez Rocha, Geraldine Rondón Correa, Martha Fabiola Rodríguez (Author)
33 - 44
Eye symptoms reported by workers exposed to agrochemicals in flower crops
Nancy Piedad Molina Montoya, Jenifer Castro Buitrago (Author)
45 - 53

Artículo de Revisión

Application of critical reading of articles in the field of vision sciences
Carol Lizeth González Espinosa, Laura Steffany Hernández Cortés, Íngrid Astrid Jiménez Barbosa (Author)
69 - 78
Educational Access of Students with Low Vision in Schools of Soacha
Astrid Jeneth González Diáz, Erika Lorena Castro Ramírez, Guiomar Said Malaver Benavides (Author)
79 - 89
Gene therapy in the treatment of retinal dystrophies
Luz Ángela Hernández, Ginna Tatiana Tachack Abril, José Luis Henao Calderón (Author)
57 - 67
Comprehensive conceptualization of amblyopia
Esteban Goñi-Boza, Rebeca Ortiz Barrantes (Author)
91 - 98