Vol. 1 No. 1 (2003)
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


Visual health prevalence study in a school population in Bogotá, Colombia 2000
Clara Patricia Hernández Luna, Deisy Catalina Barrera Santos, Carolina Guiza Segura, Johanna Patricia Rodríguez Malagón, Walter Ernesto Ludeman, Sandra Paola Gómez Montaña (Author)
11 - 23
Patient microbiological profile with infectious pathology of the previous segment
Patricia Hernández Rodríguez, Gladys M. Quintero (Author)
75 - 90
Omega 3 and its therapy in the Dry eye syndrome
Neida Esperanza Ronderos Escamilla (Author)
91 - 98
High performance upper management habits
Ingrid Astrid Jiménez Barbosa (Author)
99 - 104
Ocular atrophy
Alberto Rojas Bocanegra (Author)
105 - 111