Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014)
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


Study of the costs incurred by health promotion entities in Colombia for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS
Juliana del Pilar Urueña Durán, Shirley Johanna Salazar Duarte, Lorena del Pilar Ojeda Quintero, Tatiana Mantilla Reyes (Author)
51 - 63
Absenteeism at the immediate medical care center Vista Hermosa level I, social enterprise of the State
Diana Carolina Bonilla Serrano, Lina Marcela Carrasco Espitia, Angélica Maria Florez, Lina Paola Martínez Barbosa, Claudia Marcela Pardo Fagua, Wilson Giovanni Jiménez Barbosa (Author)
21 - 32
Accommodation in patients from five to twelve years with mild to moderate refractive amblyopia: a pilot test
Sandra Milena Medrano, Lina Marcela Acuña Bedoya, Sara Viviana Angulo Sánchez (Author)
65 - 77
Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements of corneal thickness and curvature obtained with Oculus Pentacam
Martha Fabiola Rodríguez Álvarez, Laura Lizeth Alfonso Elizalde, Paola Andrea Nariño Roa (Author)
11 - 19

Artículo de Revisión

Primary health care for workers in Latin America
Claudia Patricia Bello Peña, James Ubaque Angarita, Milena Isabel Villalba Zambrano, Martha Isabel Riaño-Casallas (Author)
81 - 92
Acute angle-closure glaucoma: emergency management by the optometrist
Ángela Patricia Muñoz Montero, Glorith Xiomara Montoya Amézquita (Author)
107 - 115