Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements of corneal thickness and curvature obtained with Oculus Pentacam
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


<em><strong>Objective:</strong></em> To evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements of corneal thickness and curvature obtained with the Oculus Pentacam of the University of La Salle. Materials and <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> For the repeatability of the measurements of corneal curvature and thickness with the Pentacam, a single observer performed ten repetitions of ten eyes, and for reproducibility, two examiners executed, in separate sessions, three consecutive shots in both eyes of twenty healthy subjects. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> As for reproducibility, the coefficient of variation of the measurements of corneal curvature was found to be between 0.2% and 0.4%, and in case of corneal thickness, it varied between 0.7% and 1.4%. The coefficient of interobserver variation for corneal curvature was between 3.6% and 4.0%, and for corneal thickness, between 4.9% and 7.9%. There were no statistical (p> 0.05) nor clinically significant differences between inter and intraobserver observations. The interobserver correlation coefficient was higher than 0.90 (p < 0.01). <em><strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> The measurements of corneal curvature and thickness obtained with the Oculus Pentacam are reliable, reproducible and repeatable.
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corneal curvature
corneal thickness
Oculus Pentacam

How to Cite

Rodríguez Álvarez, M. F., Alfonso Elizalde, L. L., & Nariño Roa, P. A. (2014). Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements of corneal thickness and curvature obtained with Oculus Pentacam. Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 12(1), 11-19.