Objective: To describe ocular rosacea, in order to guide an accurate diagnosis and treatment.Materials and methods: A systematic search of full-text review articles was carried out indatabases such as PubMed, Ebsco Host Proquest, Medline, Elsevier, Scielo, and Springer,as well as literary texts related to the topic, written in English, Spanish, German, French,and Portuguese. A search strategy was implemented using keywords such as “ocular rosacea,”“management and pathophysiology of rosacea,” “dry eye,” “dysfunction of meibomianglands,” and “Demodex.” Studies were selected from a publication period between 2000and 2015. Conclusion: The management of this disease is aimed to control signs and symptomsthrough the application of conservative measures, systemic therapy, topical ocularapplication; in advanced cases, surgical intervention is chosen. All the above allows affirmingthat the main objective of visual health professionals is to minimize ocular damageby preventing future complications.