<em><strong>Objective</strong><em> To characterize the visual and ocular morbidity of the population treated in eastern Colombia, based on the reports from the individual records of the provision of health services (RIPS), Chapter VII of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Version (ICD-10), years 2009-2010. <em><strong>Materials and methods</strong><em> A descriptive retrospective observational study was conducted of the visual and ocular morbidity of the population treated. <em><strong>Results</strong><em> 343,219 RIPS from 2010 and 768,561 from 2009 were analyzed, corresponding to Chapter VII of ICD-10 most of the RIPS were female, with 54% in 2009 and 58.2% in 2010. The most frequent diagnostic groups in 2009 were disorders of the conjunctiva (52.6 %), accommodation and refractive disorders (26.8 %), eyelid disorders (9.5%), disorders of the lacrimal apparatus (2.6%), blindness and decreased visual acuity (2.2 %). For 2010, there was a significant increase in the report of disorders of the crystalline lens (4.6 %) and glaucoma (2.1 %) the other most prevalent diagnoses this year were accommodation and refractive disorders (50.5 %), disorders of the conjunctiva (21.2 %), eyelid disorders (4.2 %), blindness and decreased visual acuity (3.1 %) and impaired vision (2.2 %). <em><strong>Conclusions</strong><em> The most frequently reported disorders in 2009 in the eastern region were disorders of the conjunctiva and, among these, pterygium, followed by acute conjunctivitis. In 2010, the most frequently reported diagnoses were accommodation and refractive disorders, astigmatism being the most prominent one.
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