<em><strong>Objective</strong><em> To describe the sociodemographic and gynecological and obstetric characteristics determining eutocic or cesarean delivery in teenagers. <em><strong>Materials and methods</strong><em> A retrospective and descriptive study with a quantitative approach was conducted by analyzing the medical records of 168 teenagers treated at the department of gynecology and obstetrics at a health facility in Bogota, Colombia. <em><strong>Results</strong><em> It was shown that 78% of pregnant women are in an age range between 16 and 20 years, and 52.4% live in socio-economic level 2 it is shown that 95.2% have had at least one pregnancy and only 3% missed all check-ups during prenatal care, while 15.5% went to 5 check-ups 121 of all the patients had an eutocic delivery and 47 had a c-section. The percentage of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and preeclampsia is also the same, with 26% then there is eclampsia, with 19%, and premature rupture of membranes, with 6.0%. During the study, it was shown that, at the time of birth, the main guidelines considered are induction and conduction. <em><strong>Conclusions</strong><em> Teen pregnancy continues to be high risk due to the lack of control in complications during pregnancy and, in some cases, due to the deficiency in the register of medical records.
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