<em><strong>Objective</strong><em> to determine the prevalence of dysfunctions in saccadic movements, visual perceptual skills and visual-motor integration in emmetropic children between the ages of six and seven from socio-economic levels 1 and 2 in Bogota. This study is part of the macroproject <em><strong>Influence of visual perceptual skills, visual-motor integration and saccadic movements in the reading and writing process</strong></em>. <em><strong>Methodology</strong><em> An observational descriptive study was conducted. Patients between the ages of six and seven were assessed. Clinically emmetropic patients underwent TVPS-3 testing (visual-perceptual skills), Beery VMI (visual motor integration) and DEM (saccadic movements). For statistical analysis, a database in Excel was used to record the results of the test, and correlation tests were used in the SPSS program for the bivariate analysis. <em><strong>Results</strong><em> Results revealed a prevalence of visoperceptual dysfunction by 42.89% (41/91), visual-motor dysfunction by 97.39% (89/91) and saccadic movements dysfunction by 80.14% (73/91) in the group of six-year-old children. They also revealed visoperceptual dysfunction by 36.74% (43/117), visual-motor dysfunction by 100% (117/117) and saccadic movements dysfunction by 61.19% (81/117) in the group of seven-year-old children. <em><strong>Conclusions</strong><em> Children of six and seven years of age have a low prevalence of visoperceptual skill alterations, a high prevalence of dysfunctions in visual-motor integration and a high prevalence of saccadic movement dysfunctions measured by the DEM, where types 3 and 4 are predominant.
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