Patient microbiological profile with infectious pathology of the previous segment


286 patients with infectious pathology in previous segment were studied and through a microbiological study the bacteria associated with the infection were identified. From the 286 bacteriological samples, 177 were isolated, and from these 73.45% of Gram positive flora being the most frequent species S. epidermidis (48.46%), S. aureus (35.38%), S. pneumonia (4.61%)and Corynebacterium sp. (2.31%). The 26.55% corresponded to Gram negative bacilli of which the 74.47% are enterobacterias and the 25.53% were non fermented microorganisms. The highest percentages of isolations were conducted in patient with bacterial conjunctivitis, bacterial blepharitis, unspecific conjunctivitis and unspecific blepharitis.
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ocular infection
Gram positives and Gram negatives bacterial
bacteriological isolations
S. epidermidis
S. aureus
S. pneumonia
Corynebacterium sp