The reason for the discomfort in presbyopic patients may be due to dysfunction in the skills ofconvergence, which may not efficiently compensate for the phoric position in near vision. <em><strong>Objective:</strong></em> To determine the impact of visual training in the ranges of convergences of presbyopicpatients. <em><strong>Materials and methods:</strong></em> 54 subjects with presbyopic correction. Groups of 27 patientswere formed. The intervention group underwent a convergence training program for ten weeks.Negative and positive convergence fusions, the accommodation-convergence ratio, the distancein centimeters from the next point of convergence and lateral and vertical phorias for near visionwere measured using the Von Graefe method and the degree of visual discomfort. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> Thestudent test confirmed that there is significance (p <0.005) in the intervention group between: a)the value of the initial discomfort and the final value, and b) the values of breakdown and recoveryof the positive convergence. The mean values of rupture were 19.70 prism diopters initially, and26.07 at the end, and 4.48 to 13.33 prism diopters in the recovery. The value of the near point ofconvergence measured in the initial intervention group was 15.63 centimeters and in at the endit was 6.28 centimeters. The variation in initial and final AC/A measurement of the interventiongroup was 1.1 prism diopters. <em><strong>Conclusions:</strong></em> The visual training has a positive impact on convergences,normalizes the near point of convergence and reduces visual discomfort.