Influence of Visual Perception on Learning
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


Perception is the active process of locating and extracting data from the outer environment. It isorganized in perceptual systems in charge of searching and acquiring information. Visual perceptualskills are responsible for organizing and processing information on a visual level as part ofvisual perception and supporting cognitive development. Training of visual perceptual skills andits integration to basic learning devices is a way to improve visual perception learning and thusthe adaptation to the environment, despite not knowing the neuronal mechanisms that generatevisual perception.
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visual perception
visual perceptual skills
visual perceptual learning

How to Cite

Merchán Price, M. S., & Henao Calderón, J. L. (2011). Influence of Visual Perception on Learning. Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 9(1), 93-101.