The purpose of this trial was determinate the test retest reliability between evaluators to measurement contrast sensitivity function using the CSV 1000E test in children between 7-10 years. <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> fifty visually-healthy children were tested using the CSV 1000E. Each children was seen by 2 evaluators the same day, thirty minutes apart from each evaluations. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> the contrast sensitivity curve function was normal, although it was higher for high spatial frequencies when compared to that was it found in another trial (López, 2003). test retest reliability was poor (ρc<0.90) for all spatial frequencies because the CSV 1000 precision was low, 95% limits of agreement were wider than found in another research project (Pomerance y Evans, 1994). <em><strong>Conclusions:</strong></em> the results have shown that CSV 1000 had low agreement, means this test has poor reliability to assess contrast sensitivity function in children.