Visual and ocular disorders in screening tests, Pereira 2006- 2007


The knowledge about the people’s visual and ocular conditions allows the creation of intervention programs to improve the people’s quality of life. <em><strong>Objective:</strong></em> characterize people according to its visual and ocular conditions, vision screening process in Pereira by evaluating the individual health care records (RIPS) processed between 2006 and 2007 to create research and intervention programs for the people’s benefits. Marterials and <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> a descriptive retrospective study of the processed RIPS was done by an university in Pereira between 2006 and 2007. The gender and age were taken without taking into account differences at the moment of collecting data. All the data was taken and loaded in Excel and then they were analyzed in Stata 9.0. According to the 008430 resolution, this study doesn’t have risk. Its has an institutional permition. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> 52,06% of the people is between 3 and 11 years old. The age average was 11 years old. The relation between man and woman was about 1:1. The most frequent found disorders were refractive disorders, that represents 99%, hyperopia was 50,6% (IC 95% 48-53), followed by astigmatism, myopia and emetropy. Conclusions: people assessed are young, from urban areas, there is no differences between genders. The refractive disorders are main causes of visual morbidity.
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vision screening
visual disorders
refractive defects