Amblyopia seen from developing clinically behaves differently depending on the time of the attack and the time that remained. The functions and the sensitivity of the visual system are critical periods varied depending on the level of processing visual information and therefore, will have clinical manifestations corresponding to each of these stages of development. These are important concepts to take into account when establishing a treatment. According to Von Noorden (2002), amblyopia is a vision loss caused by deprivation of vision and/or an abnormal interaction binocular, which can not be detected organic reasons to physical examination of the eye, and where to Where appropriate, is reversible by therapeutic means. Nigel (1998) spoke of amblyopia as the result of a variety of sensory and motor abnormalities, which has multiple causes and effects. The conditions that produce amblyopia pathologies are widely known and are in daily consultation: strabismus, anisometropía, refractive errors, cataracts and other forms of visual deprivation.