Conjunctiva impression cytology is a non invasive test used to detect xeroftalmia and A vitamin deficiency. <em><strong>Objective:</strong></em> determine the percentage of children with malnutrition, less than 5 years old, who present abnormality in conjunctiva impression cytology related to squamous metaplasia. <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> 20 children hospitalized by malnutrition in the Nutritional Recovery Unit at Hospital San Vicente de Paul (Urrao, Antioquia) were studied, their nutritional condition was valued and the following exams were made before and after nutritional treatment: optometric exam, basic lachrymal secretion test, FBUT, dyeing with fluoresceine and two impression cytologies in bulbar conjunctiva in each eye. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> visual acuity, ophthalmoscope, lachrymal secretion test and fluoresceine were in the normal parameters in the 100% of the cases. The FBUT was the only altered clinical test, it was diminished in the 75% of the patients. The impression cytology was abnormal in the 57.5% of the eyes (23/40) considering the limit grade of abnormality and the abnormality, with a frequency of 27.5 and 30% respectively. After the nutritional treatment 50% of the eyes (20/40) had some level of abnormality in the impression cytology: 40% of the eyes were in the limit of abnormality and 10% in abnormality. Conclusions: conjunctive impression cytology detected a high percentage of children with squamous metaplasia and diminution in lachrymal layer stability. After the treatment there was a small improvement in the described parameters. Impression cytology detects a high percentage of children with malnutrition who have alterations in the conjunctive epithelium, possibly due to deficiency A vitamin.