40 years ago it was impossible to think about the genetic manipulation, but the continous breakthroughs that have permitted the comprehension of some aspects of the gene regulation in pathological and normal conditions has generated an extensive investigative field. The discovery of the DNA double structure, the purification of the DNA and the knowledge of activity of certain enzymes (endonucleasas of restriction) on nucleic acid, put in the scientific that have used the molecular technologies as a bridge to expand the knowledge and without a doubt in the sciences related to the study of the eye this new tool has generated a strong impact. The correlation among genotype and fenotype has helped to better classify the ocular heredity of illnesses with a genetic component in it’s a etiology, as in the case of the glaucoma. Techniques have been developed from molecular genetics, to the DNA level for the diagnostic of prenatal or presintomatico of pathologies as the Retinitis Pigmentosa and the Retinoblastoma. The use of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction),. The development of the recombinant DNA and the genetic engineering have revolutionized completely the biology; the molecular study has been the cornerstone for many scientific advances. By means of this revision, a synthesis of the main molecular methodologies is to be conducted to determine globally its contribution to the related sciences with the ocular study.