Validation of an Instrument for the Assessment of Informed Consent and its use in Research in University Students


Informed consent, a fundamental element for health research and health care, serves to legalize the patient’s will. The availability of instruments to measure understanding of informed consent in the health sciences is imperative. The aim of the present study was to validate an instrument designed to assess the knowledge of informed consent and its use in research in university students, by means of expert opinion. Six professionals with training in bioethics were invited to give their opinion based on the instrument designed with nine evaluation questions. The ratings given were used for the calculation of the content validity index and Kendall’s W test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. An average score of 3.34±0.88 was obtained, with low score in question 5, and modified according to the experts’ opinions. In Kendall’s analysis, there is statistically significant agreement in the coherence, clarity and relevance indicators (p < 0.001). In sum, the validated instrument is a useful tool available in Spanish for conducting studies on the perceptions of informed consent of undergraduate students.
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Instrument validation
informed consent
research ethics