Changes in visual quality associated with the use of Biofinity Energys contact lenses


Biofinity EnergysTM contact lenses (CLs) incorporate the Digital Zone OpticsTM design, which has been developed to manage computer visual syndrome (CVI). The objective of the present study is to compare contrast sensitivity (CS) and optical aberrations induced during wear of Biofinity® and Biofinity EnergysTM LCs. A total of 14 subjects attended a single visit in which they were fitted with two LCs at random without the subject or the evaluator being aware of the lens under study. Visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS), monocular and binocular, were assessed. In addition, ocular aberrometry was analyzed and the adaptation of each LC was tested. As results, no significant differences were seen in the adaptation of the LCs. Monocular and binocular VA was lower during wearing the Biofinity EnergysTM LCs (p = 0.002 and p = 0.045, respectively). Monocular CS was found to be decreased for the frequency of 18 cycles per degree during wearing the Biofinity EnergysTM LCs (p = 0.008). However, binocularly, only a trend to decreased frequency of 3 cycles per degree was found with the same LCs (p = 0.06). The magnitude of optical aberrations increased for oblique tetrafoil (Z-4 4) (p = 0.022) and secondary astigmatism (Z2 4) (p = 0.002) with Biofinity EnergysTM LCs. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Digital Zone OpticsTM design of Biofinity EnergysTM LCs induces certain higher order aberrations, which could explain the consequent decrease in VA and SC.
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