Correlation between ocular symptoms associated with computer vision syndrome and convergence insufficiency
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


<p>The increase on the demand of the use of electronic devices and digital screens has caused the apparition of musculoskeletal, psychosocial and visual disorders, and inside of this the computer vision syndrome (cvs). This syndrome has been reported for almost 20 years and the prevalence fluctuate between the 37 % and the 70 % (1). The high recurrence of visual alterations within the cvs allows it to be related to binocular vision dysfunctions such as convergence insufficiency (ci). Objective: identify the correlation between the ocular symptoms associated with computer visual syndrome and convergence insufficiency Methods and materials: mixed study, of prospective designs, the valid questionnaires CVSS17 and CISS-V15 were applied to 66 optometry students, and it was determined the prevalence of symptomatology related to the cvs and ci, analyzing the most frequent symptoms between both entities. Results: 37 % of respondents were asymptomatic for the cvs and the 52 % for the ci. The most frequent symptoms related to the cvs were eyestrain, Heavy eyelids, and burning eyes. The most frequent symptoms related to the ci were get sleepy when reading and eyes feel tired; it was evidenced those symptoms with the highest correlation between the two alterations were stress and visual discomfort, blurred vision, burning and heavy eyelids. Conclusion: this study reveals that 70 % of the students who presents symptoms of cvs have symptoms related to the ci, furthermore, the score obtained with the questionnaires CVSS17 and CISS-V15, have shown that there is a correlation that exists between the symptomatology reported for the students, which confirms that those who presented a high level of symptoms related to the cvs, also have a high probability to present symptoms related to the ci.</p>
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Computer visual syndrome (cvs)
convergence insufficiency (ci)
associated symptoms
clinical correlatio

How to Cite

Ruiz Sanabria, C. L., Niño Vega, E. Y., & Jurado, S. P. (2023). Correlation between ocular symptoms associated with computer vision syndrome and convergence insufficiency. Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 21(1), e0005.