Convergence insufficiency in a pre-presbyopic: clinical case
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular


This is a case report of a prepresbiopic patient with severe CI (convergence Insufficiency) and noticeable symptomatology in near work tasks. The patient underwent visual training of the accommodative convergence, improving his binocular vision without symptoms with excellent result in time. Its important to make a complete evaluation to patients, have an appropriate diagnosis and determine the best treatment option according to the complaints and age. By the mean of the case report, we highlight the importance of the clinical analysis of how positive can be the influence of the treatment in the retarding of the use of near prescription. Lara (2001), as many authors suggest that binocular dysfunctions (no strabismus) are very common in the optometric practice, the prevalence statistics is very variable but the clinical experience has showed that CI is one of the most frequent and sometimes is ignored in adult patients. In prepresbiopic patients with CI, there are some doubts about the efficiency of the visual therapy, due the physiological fails of the accommodation in this age. However, there are many cases coming to consultation day by day with symptoms justified by a binocular dysfunction and not precisely by the presbiopia. Many of this patients are corrected early with near addition , wich can affect negatively their accommodative condition.
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insuficience of convergence

How to Cite

Medrano Muñoz, S. M., García Gil, G. ., & Izquierdo, M. . (2009). Convergence insufficiency in a pre-presbyopic: clinical case. Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 7(2), 181-190.