Student Perception of the Curricular Change in the Optometry Degree at the National Autonomous University of Mexico


<strong>Introduction:</strong> The new curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in Optometry has indicative serialization in all subjects, it allows intra- and inter- institutional mobility, is flexible, considers time, places, relationships to learn new abilities as well as structural adjustments, processes, norms, students’ performance, and it is linked with society. In studies from F.E.S. Iztacala, U.N.A.M., analyzing the curriculum execution, it had been done on subjects’ content and time distribution regarding the academic body perspective, not involving students. Then it is very important to know the students’ opinion, since them are the essence of the curriculum. <strong>Objective:</strong> To analyze the students’ perception when comparing the previous vs. the new curriculum, after three years of its execution. <strong>Methods:</strong> This is a cross-sectional survey study applying four instruments to students of the previous and the new curriculum, that includes categories about their experience with the new curriculum, about teachers, clinical settings and occupational expectancy. <strong>Results:</strong> Students from both curricula said that the new curriculum will improve the quality of optometrists’ performance; however, students from the previous curriculum mentioned that their teachers were better than the new one’s. Conclusion: Curriculum modifications must be present in all curricula due to global educational and societal changes, by incorporating the opinion of the main actor, the student, before and after the modification
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Student perception
university curriculum
curricular reforms