Oculomotor paralysis is a total loss of the ocular muscle function. The objective of this work was to establish the prevalence of oculomotor paralysis in orthoptic consultation, to define the signs and symptoms as well as their etiology. <em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> this was a retrospective study. All the clinical records between 2004 and 2006 whose patients were remitted to orthoptic consultation in a private doctor’s office were checked. Cases diagnosed with paralysis were chosen. The analysis was done through Excel and the prevalence of oculomotor paralysis was established according to their etiology, signs and symptoms. It also took into account age, gender and systemic association. <em><strong>Results:</strong></em> a total of 3808 clinical records were studied, out of which 30 cases had oculomotor paralysis, which represented 0.78% of the analyzed sample.